4 Ways To Prepare Before The Piano Removalists Arrive

piano mover Perth

If you own a piano, you will agree that they are the most difficult things to move, just like pool tables. While heavy, it is made up of intricate components that cannot be mishandled. So it may seem all well and good with the piano until the day comes when you have to move homes. While a piano mover in Perth can help you out, all you need to figure out is how to move the piano in its perfect form so you can use it well when you have moved to the new house.

Even though the removalists will take all necessary care and precautions to ensure that your piano is moved well, you also need to make an effort to ensure that their task is smooth on the day of the move.

Do Not Move Your Piano On The Final Day

Every expert from a piano moving service in Perth will suggest that since a piano is a heavy yet delicate object, it shouldn’t be left to move on the final day. If you have the keys to the new house, try and move the piano a few days earlier. Since a lot goes into the process of moving the piano, you can dedicate a day to it. While there are multiple other tasks to be taken care of on the final day, avoid pushing the piano move on that day. Speak to your removalist, and they will arrange for the move accordingly.

Clean Your Piano

Whether you use your piano frequently or not, there is a need to clean it before you move. There is likely a layer of dust on it or its body. During the move, the removalists shouldn’t feel uneasy, or their clothes shouldn’t get soiled. Take a dusting cloth and clean it from all sides. Since it is a giant addition to the house, not everyone remembers that it needs cleaning too.

Hire An Experienced Removalist

It is essential to keep in mind that only experienced Perth piano removalists can move your piano. The newbies in business may not know of the techniques involved in disassembling and assembling when you move it to the new house. However, they learn about moving the piano from its place with the utmost care, which is why they should be called upon. You wouldn’t want your priced possession to crumble down.

Clear The Pathway Before The Move

When you plan on the piano move, you must clear the path through which the piano will be moving out. It could be furniture, packing boxes or anything else on its way, keep it aside and make way. If there are convertible doors or partitions that were installed after you purchased the piano, those too needs to be removed. The best way is to measure the piano’s breadth and check the exit path is apt for the piano to move out.

While these are tips to take care of before they arrive, you are helping the removalists greatly to ensure that the move is smooth. It is often seen that the removalists take up the effort that isn’t a part of their duty. When you contribute your efforts, it shows how concerned you are about the safety and safekeeping of the piano.